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15 gallon Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia)

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The Washington Palm is so fast growing, it can conjure up a tropical look in record time. It is also one of the most cold-tolerant palms you’ll find. Its fan-shaped leaves give the plant its common name, the Mexican Fan Palm. Left in a natural state, the browned fronds form a “petticoat” of thatch, which many gardeners trim off.

Washington Robusta is known by several names, such as Washington Palm and Mexican Fan Palm. This plant is a flowering species of the famous palm family of Arecaceae. Despite its name, the plant is not native to the United States or even Washington.
Washington palm is loved because of its unique leaves and easy-to-grow quality. People can grow it at home to create an aesthetic ambiance or in a park for shade. The best part is that this plant can grow 2 to 4 feet per year.

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