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Olea europaea Olive

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Size : 10
Specification : 3-4' tall, edible olive
Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata is a subspecies of the well-known olive tree (Olea europaea), which until recently was considered a separate species (Olea africana) and is still mentioned as such in many sources. Native to northeast of Africa and the drier parts of subtropical Asia, it has various common names, including wild olive, African olive, brown olive and Indian olive

The olive (Olea europaea L.) is a well-known evergreen tree, native to the Mediterranean coast, of which the fruit and oil are used for food and cooking. Olives contain numerous triterpene acids including oleanolic acid (1) as the major one. Recently, much attention has been paid to triterpene acids from the pharmaceutical viewpoint because of their anti-HIV, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor-promoting activities. The wax of the olive fruit contains predominantly oleanolic acid, whereas that of the leaves contains a mixture of oleanolic acid and betulinic acid in a ratio of 7:2. In addition to these triterpene acids, triterpene diols, such as erythrodiol (oleanane type) and uvaol (ursane type) are also present, though in smaller quantities than the corresponding acids.

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