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Spondias dulcis June Plum / Ambarella

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specification:3-4' tall, Asian favorite
Ambarella fruit a good source of Vitamin A, C, and K which are good natural antioxidants. It helps to Treat Cough, controlling Cholesterol Levels, it Improves Vision, Boosts Immune System and prevent Premature Aging, it also helps to Treat Digestive Problems, loosing weight and Improves Skin Health. Iron content in 100 grams of Ambarella can assist in the formation of red blood cells. Antioxidants present in the fruit fight against cancer. Fruit is recommended for diabetics to regulate blood sugar levels. Spondias dulcis commonly known as ambarella, it is also known as golden apple. it is native to Polynesia from the family of Anacardiaceae, and has been widely distributed to many tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world.

Bite sized Mango flavored fruit. Upright rapid growing tropical tree reached as much as 30 to 40 feet in the home landscape. Rigid and symmetrical the June Plum tree is a stately ornamental for the container gardener. Glossy green, elliptic leaves grow to lengths of 2 to 4 inches with finely toothed margins hang gracefully against the nearly smooth light grey-brown bark. Leaves transform to bright yellow in the autumn before dropping for the winter months leaving a handsomely bare tree.
Flowers appear in large terminal panicles giving way to long stalked fruits that dangle in bunches. when ripe the skin and flesh turn golden yellow with a crisp flesh and a juicy flavor and fragrance.

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