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Litchi chinensis Lychee Brewster

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size:10 specification:3-4' tall, large fruit
Brewster Lychee is a tropical/subtropical fruit tree with a reliable nature to fruit and flower, making it great for a home or commercial landscape.The Brewster Lychee fruit has one of the best flavors, with the small trade-off of a slightly larger inner seed. Like other Lychee varieties, Brewster Lychee fruit has a unique purple-red outer shell and translucent flesh and texture of a grape and a sweet slightly tangy flavor.

The cultivation of Lychee in China dates so far back that historians have yet to track down a truly wild species of it. Brewster Lychee is the second-most cultivated Litchi tree in the United States, perfectly adapted to the long Floridian growing season. It was introduced by an American missionary to China, Rev. William N. Brewster, hence the name, but the Chen Purple Lychee is the parent tree.

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