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Black Sapote

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specification: 3' tall, chocolate pudding fruit
Black Sapotes are round, squat fruits that look similar to a persimmon albeit a green version. The skin of a Black Sapote is initially an olive green and it will darken as it ripens and will develop the occasional black speckles. The pulp is white when unripe and turns dark brown to almost black when ripe. It has a sweet, custardy, chocolate-like flavor, which is how it got its nickname.

The Black Sapote, or Black persimmon in Hawaii, is widely known as the “chocolate pudding fruit.” The tropical fruit is not actually related to the sapote as the name suggests; it is instead related to the persimmon and is part of the Ebenaceae family. Botanically, they are classified as Diospyros digyna (and sometimes Diospyros obtusifolia). Black Sapotes haven’t quite achieved the same level of popularity in the United States as they have in their own native regions.

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