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Coffea arabica Coffee

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size: 10
spcification : 3' tall, seeds can be dried, roasted and ground at home
A small upright evergreen shrub or small tree that is grown in tropical climates. Grown as a houseplant in temperate climates with well-draining potting soil. Needs bright light and high humidity indoors but if taken outdoors prefers some partial shade. Plant in organically rich-well drained soil. After 3-4 years small white fragrant blooms will appear from late spring to early summer. Fissured bark appears on older branches.

Berries are edible with a pulpy grape-like texture, but it is the seeds (coffee beans) that are sought after. Berries are picked by hand when ripe and de-pulped, with the extracted seeds/beans then dried in the sun before roasting and grinding to produce the popular beverage coffee.

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