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Adonidia 7 Gal

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The Christmas Palm, with its slender gray trunk, grows quickly to about 6 feet (1.83 m), then slows, retaining its shape until it reaches its maximum height of 25 feet (7.62 meters). These solitary palms support stiff, arching green leaves that are 4-5 feet long. In mid-summer, inconspicuous clusters of cream-colored flowers appear at the base of the canopy followed by 1 inch (2.54 cm) green fruit.

In winter, the mature fruit turns bright red. The single trunks can be grown together, usually in groups of three to mimic multiple-trunked palms. The common name, Christmas palm, refers to the time of the year when the green fruit turns red. It is highly sensitive to frost and freezing temperatures so may be best planted in a container that can be moved indoors during the winter. Suited to small residential landscapes and can be used as a street tree in tropical climates.

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