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Prunus sp. Peach

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Size : 10
Specifications : 3-4' tall, low chill varieties
Peach trees vary in their growth habit, and often a combination of tree vigor, flower type, and leaf structure can be used to identify cultivars. Trees can have semi-spreading (e.g., ‘UFOne’) or semi-upright growth (e.g., ‘Flordaprince’) and can be either very vigorous (e.g., ‘UFSun’) or moderately vigorous (e.g., ‘Sunbest’) in canopy growth.

Widely popular for their sweet, juicy fruits and beautiful blossoms, Peach trees are actually plagued by so many different pests and diseases that they should probably only be planted by the horticulturally dedicated homeowner. A low, broad tree, 15 to 25 feet tall with an equal or greater spread, Peach trees form a rounded crown with upwardly-reaching branches clothed in three to six-inch-long, dark green, deciduous leaves. The lovely flowers which appear in April before the new leaves unfold are available in single, semi-double, and double forms in colors ranging from pure white to deep red and bicolors. The flowers are susceptible to damage by late spring frosts or especially cold winters. The luscious three-inch-diameter fruits mature in July to August. Bright yellow fall color really stands out in many years.

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