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Pouteria sapota Mamey

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Size : 10
Specifications : 3' tall, national fruit of Cuba
Pouteria sapota, the mamey sapote, is a species of tree native to Mexico and Central America. The tree is also cultivated in the Caribbean. Its fruit is eaten in many Latin American countries. The fruit is made into foods such as milkshakes and ice cream.

A native to Mexico and Central America, Pouteria sapota or commonly known as Mamey Sapote is a popular fruit tree that is now cultivated throughout Central America, the Caribbean, and South Florida. It is a large species, growing about 15-45 m tall. Main propagation is through grafting to preserve the characteristics of the parent plant and for faster growth. The fruit is eaten raw and made into desserts and drinks. It is ovoid in shape with sweet almond-like flavor. The seeds are milled to prepare a bitter chocolate. Medicinally, seed oil is used as skin ointment, for preventing hair fall, and as a sedative in ear and eye ailments while the seeds itself is used for digestive problems, coronary troubles, and epilepsy. Milky sap is used to remove warts and fungal growths on skin. Seed oil is also used in soap, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products. The wood is used for cabinet making, furniture, carts, shelves, and house frames.

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