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7 gallon queen palm

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The Queen Palm is a single-trunked palm, crowned by a beautiful head of glossy, bright green, soft, pinnate leaves forming a graceful, drooping canopy. The ornamental, bright orange dates are produced in hanging clusters and ripen during the winter months. It is popular in home landscapes as a focal point or to frame a house In commercial landscapes, Queen Palms can be planted in rows on 15-foot centers to line a street or walk, or in clusters or occasionally as a specimen. The grey trunk is ringed with old leaf scars.

Growing best in full sun, Queen Palm is most suited for acidic, well-drained soils and shows severe mineral deficiencies on alkaline soil. This disfigures the palm by stunting the young leaves and can kill it. Unfortunately, Queen Palm is frequently planted in alkaline soil and requires regular preventive applications of manganese and/or iron to help keep the fronds green. Potassium deficiency is also displayed on older fronds in well-drained soils. Quick-growing Queen Palm responds well to ample moisture and fertilizer and is slightly salt-tolerant. After planting Queen Palm in the landscape, growth is rapid. This palm is not affected by lethal yellowing disease. Pruning off too many fronds at one time can cause the palm to decline. Prevent injury to the trunk by keeping turf well away from the trunk.

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